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王进东女儿:李洪志是自焚事件的主谋 发布日期:2018年01月23日   文章来源:中国反邪教网   作者:厉洁 严雪 [打印本页] 【字体大小: 大   中   小 】       中国反邪教网讯(记者厉洁,通讯员严雪)2001年1月23日,王进东、郝惠君、陈果、刘春玲、刘思影、刘云芳、刘葆荣等7名“法轮功”痴迷人员在天安门广场集体自焚,造成2人死亡,3人严重烧伤,全世界为之震惊。17年后,本网专访了王进东的女儿王娟,请他讲述父亲从习练“法轮功”到自焚的过程。   当年,王娟跟随父母一起习练“法轮功”,没想到误入邪教魔窟。如今,她脱离邪教“法轮功”重新过上幸福生活。作为一名幼儿园教师,她把笑颜传递给了孩子们。她已成长为开封市的青年歌手,把歌声和微笑带给了更多的人。王娟说,她要传播公道与正义,让人们远离邪教,追寻真正的幸福!      问:作为自焚参与者王进东的女儿,你最了解过去的情况,能不能讲述一下当年天安门广场自焚的一些情况?   王娟:17年前的1月23日,那一天,我父亲和其他几名“法轮功”人员在天安门广场,演绎了一场震惊中外的自焚事件。事件突发,给喜气洋洋准备欢度新年的国人心中投下了阴霾,影响极其恶劣。      问:逃到美国的“法轮功”头目李洪志否认自焚人员是他的“弟子”,真实情况是怎样的?   王娟:事实胜于雄辩,真的假不了,假的也真不了。在1996年10月份的一天,薛红军(“法轮功”修炼者)给我父亲送来一本书,就是李洪志写的《转法轮》,他告诉我父亲如果能按照这本书的要求去“修炼”,就能达到“开功、开悟”,得“正果”是没有问题的。当时我父亲接到书后就一口气看完了,后来还推荐给我妈妈和我看,从那以后我们三人开始练习“法轮功”,不但看书,还按照书中所要求的“做好人”,有问题向内找,提高心性等等,互帮互学共同提高。我们比着练盘腿,为了所谓的“消业”,由单盘到双盘吃了不少的苦。李洪志讲过,要更重心性“修炼”,你的功才能长上来,层次才能提高,你要重视心性的“修炼”,按照宇宙“真善忍”的特性去“修炼”,把常人心中的欲望、不好的心、做坏事的心去掉。不知道高层次的“法”就没有法修,没有向内去修,不“修炼”心性不长功。在我们心里,学“大法”高于一切。为了看李洪志的讲法录像,那时候我们家本来红红火火的生意也做得不

The Story Behind Lavish Chinese Dance Shen Yun

Have you heard that Shen Yun, the internationally acclaimed Chinese dance extravaganza, will perform two shows this weekend at Burlington's Flynn Center for the Performing Arts? If not, you must be living way off the grid. In recent weeks, the New York-based company behind the show has inundated the Green Mountain State with a full-blown marketing blitz: repeated commercials on local radio and television, glossy color inserts and newspaper ads (including eight weeks of the latter in Seven Days), web infomercials, Facebook ads, six-page direct mailers distributed throughout Chittenden County, pamphlets handed out on Church Street, even a banner spanning Shelburne Road in the city's South End. The promotions for this lavish affair, which is part of a 30-country world tour, feature images of silk-draped dancers in traditional Chinese garb. Ads include gushing testimonials from international celebrities and dignitaries, some of whom claim to have seen the "once-in-a-lif

Propaganda in the Form of Entertainment: A Bizarre Evening at ‘Shen Yun’

Adjust font size:         Close Matilda Boseley 2017-09-11  In Australia, propaganda is seen as a relic from yesteryear and something we rarely see, apart from the occasional overly dramatic Defence Force ad.   Perhaps this is why it is so jarring when  Shen Yun  – a performance of traditional Chinese dance currently touring Australia – transforms into an overt thesis on the Communist persecution of the Falun Gong religious group.   As advertised on its  website ,  Shen Yun  is as a way to “discover the divine beauty of 5000 years of classical Chinese culture”.   The  Shen Yun  Chinese ballet, run by the Falun Gong religion, draws attention to the persecution the group faces in China, with a few backflips and fan dances thrown in.   The show is a compilation of traditional ethnic dances, ballet renditions of Chinese folk lore, and operatic and instrumental acts